What are Local Classifieds?

Each item listed on our site has a location. If you wish to view only the items for sale in and around your area, you can go to the Local Classifieds page and click on the area that you wish to view. Once you have a chosen a location for your "Local Classifieds," each time you browse through any of the classifieds on our site, the items listed in your "Local Area" will be listed first.

You will also notice a that once you choose a "Local Area" a distance column will appear beside the classified ads. This column tells you how far away the item is from the area of choice.

If you no longer want to view the classifieds by their local area, just click on the area in the top right hand corner of the page to take you back to the "Local Classifieds" page and make sure the postal code box is empty then press return. You will notice that there is no longer a specific area selected and the classifieds are now listed in order of most recent first.